Silvio Barsetti bothers Neymar

Questions from the reporter Silvio Barsetti bothers Neymar

Questions from the reporter Silvio Barsetti bothers Neymar

During a press conference on Tuesday, Neymar was bothered with questions. They were from a reporter about his commitment to the Brazilian national team. It was based on his record since the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Questions from the reporter Silvio Barsetti bothers Neymar

Silvio Barsetti bothers Neymar
Neymar wants his life not to be dull

The Barcelona striker is currently with the Brazilian national team. They are preparing for next month’s Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The 24-year-old was reminded of cards, suspensions and his life off the field during the press conference, which really bothered the player.

Following the question from Portal Terra’s reporter Silvio Barsetti, Neymar said: “Imagine you’re 24 years old, earning what I earn and having all that I have. Wouldn’t you be the same as me? When I’m off the pitch, that’s my private life. You have to judge me on the pitch. I’m talking to you, you can look at me, please? Look at my eye, to create a friendly atmosphere, please. You don’t have to get mad. I have my achievements and I have my own things outside of that. I’m very quiet about these things, but of course you can criticise me. I’m not a perfect guy.”

He added: “I also like to go out and have fun with my friends. I have my family and friends. Why can I not go out and enjoy parties? I can do that and will continue to. If I’m aware of my duties the next day, I see no problem.”

Silvio Barsetti bothers Neymar
He never stops having fun

Well, that’s pretty clear. Neymar has always been amazing on the pitch. He hasn’t seemed to let his partying get in the way. It’s not like he is showing up to training out of shape or unprepared. In fact, he’s never really gotten in any trouble for things away from the field.

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