Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Politicians from all over the world go through the political process either for authority, protocol, fame, money or with the primary mission of working for state. Politicians are generally of two kinds; i.e. good politicians or corrupt politicians found to be seen all over the world. When striving for being a part of political process they invest their resources and ultimately when they came to a political authority they earn money by hooks or by crooks. Corruption in politics is a universal phenomenon all over the world. They prefer relatively more effective ways of looting money. They are rarely seen to watch the interest of common people.

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

10. Joseph Estrada

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Joseph Estrada is the former president of the Philippine. He has been officially elected as president. He used the art of manipulation by using the poverty circumstances of the Philippines. In order to getting favor and vote of the lower class it was the best viable way to aid the poverty agenda of poor Philippines in his campaign and manifesto which literally worked for him. Joseph is now counted as 10th in the list of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World. He started off as an actor in his early career but later succeeded in deceiving the people who genuinely believed and saw a ray of hope in him. Interestingly, joseph has been corrupt since before he became president but unfortunately Philippines were too vulnerable to see it. Joseph is estimated accused a lump sum of 80 million US Dollars through bribes and corrupt dealings.

09. Arnoldo Aleman

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Arnoldo Aleman is the former president of the state of Nicaragua. Being president of any state is a matter of very honor because it simply means being head of the nation, leader of the entire country, world recognition and for being the official part of the country’s history. But some unlucky politicians are seem to not realize the novelty, importance and honor of the title and consequently are found involved in abusing the privileges handed to them by the state. President take an oath before taking the charge of presidency to fairly deal with the presidential TORs, but to corrupt ones like Arnoldo it doesn’t means a lot. Arnoldo is arguable counted as 9th in the race of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World. Before being president of the state he was the lawyer, with good fame and name he intended to go through in political process and ultimately he succeeded in his purpose. He is estimated to embezzle a lump sum of $100 million through vary unfair means.

08. Pavlov Lazarenko

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Pavlov Lazarenko is the former Prime Minister of state of Ukraine. He is at 8th number in the race of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World. A very unfortunate practice in politics is that every successive politician tries to steal the more amount of money than the previous one. They endeavor for being the rich and regardless by using unfair means. Pavlov did very well through unlawful and unfair means during his period of regime. Through his fraudulent activities his corruption value is estimated a lump sum of $200 million under the carpet. He did all the embezzlement trickily by diverting all the focus of governance towards the president of the state.

07. Alberto Fujimori

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Alberto Fujimori is the Former President of state of Peru. He has Asian descent which primarily means disciplined, sharp witted and intelligent as well as mentally sharp. He is politician known for his clever mindset which surely helps him in his mission of financial corruption. During his period of regime he was clever enough to look well dressed, polite in speech mannerism and used to behave as professional in public eye. But he was found in guilt of serious crimes of kidnapping and murders of innocent citizens. He is at number 7 in our case of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the world with the estimated fraud value of $600 million.

06. Jean-Claude Duvalier

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Former President of Haiti, Jean-Claude Duvalier is one of the most corrupt politicians ever. Corruption came in his inheritance from the late father Duvalier. He claimed to bring an economic revolution to Haiti’s starving population, is estimated to steal and embezzle between $300-800 million during his period of presidency. He is at number 6 among the Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World. A politician with president or Prime Minister Title deems country’s assets as his personal property. With this common perception he doesn’t cares a lot about his abuse of power and authority to use for his personal gains. Jean-Claude Duvalier exploited the resources of the country for sake of his own interest keeping the public deprived of the basic necessities.

05. Sani Abacha

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Sani Abacha is the Former President of state of Nigeria. Nigeria is basically a war torn country of victim of a civil war. A war torn country like Nigeria needs a good leader who can reconcile the pains of wretched community by providing them immediate relief. On contrary to retrieve the losses vulnerable community, Sani Abacha stole a lump sum of $4 billion and deposited in his personal accounts. After his death robbers attempted to steal this money from his residence, police later on recovered this money and restored to his wife. His wife also tried to flee with 4 suitcases of stolen money. It is more of a comical act of fraudulence rather than a clever one. Mr. Sani Abacha earns himself the title of one of the funniest corrupt politicians in the world. He is at no. 5 in our list of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the world.

04. Slobodan Milosevic

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Slobodan Milosevic is the Former President of Yugoslavia. He ranks as 4th in the competition of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the world. In terms of fraud there would arguably be none as clever as Slobodan Milosevic. He was genius enough to steal a bulk of money from country without being caught or alleged. Apart from financial embezzlement he was convicted of some high profiled killings according to BBC’s report. Being head of state he was found involved in assassination attacks, killing of witnesses or people who were brave enough to bring him to justice. He is one of the most corrupt politicians in the world. He is estimated to earn a lump sum of $5-6 billion through unfair dealings.

03. Mobutu Sese Seko

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Former president of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko is established as 3rd in Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World. The story of fraudulent has been confirmed about the embezzlement case of heads of three states: Zaire, Philippines and Indonesia. They had a joint venture and stole a lump sum of $50 billion from all the three countries referred to as “3 Man Scorn”. This lump sum is equal to the yearly budget of the west. The way these 3 men managed to pull this off is really a mystery. Mobutu Sese Seko is a part of 3 men tag team with the embezzlement of an estimated amount of around $12 billion by himself.

02. Ferdinand Marcos

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Ferdinand Marcos is the Former President of the Philippines. He was have with a reputation of being most respectable leader of the country until the mask of being honorable removed with a robbery case. He has stolen a lump sum of $5-10 billion of his own as well during the years 1972-1986, during his era of regime. He came second in our list of the Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the world.

01. Mohamed Suharto

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016
Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

Mohamed Suharto is the Former President of state of Indonesia. He is king of corruption and is ranked as 1st in the list of Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the world. He got a notorious 30 year presidential duration to surpass the fraudulent amount of lump sum $15-$35 billion in stone cold hard assets and Swiss accounts. That were legal in terms of existence but yet again the corrupt ears will listen very closely and so it has been pulled off. He was considered good for put up the fraudulent amount decent and honest. His 30 year governance is the evidence of his clever mind and the techniques to deal the embezzlement handsomely.

Top 10 Corrupt Politicians in the World 2016

01. Mohamed Suharto

02. Ferdinand Marcos

03. Mobutu Sese Seko

04. Slobodan Milosevic

05. Sani Abacha

06. Jean-Claude Duvalier

07. Alberto Fujimori

08. Pavlov Lazarenko

09. Arnoldo Aleman

10. Joseph Estrada